Europe Market Overview
European Markets
Market Overview.
With a focus on energy efficiency and environmental protection, SEPPES is gaining market share in Europe, especially in the industrial and commercial sectors. Our products are CE-certified.
Key Clients.
BMW Germany
Lesaffre Group, France
Tesco Flow Center, UK


We have exported to more than 50 countries and regions. Our powerful service internet and install team helps us build relationships with customers who come from Europe, the Middle East, South America, and South East Asia.

Export of high speed door for German manufacturing workshops

Fabric roll up doors for export to UK packaging plants
Amko is a global packaging company that produces flexible packaging and rigid containers for food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and other products. Selected by more than 60 Fortune 500 companies, SEPPES is highly regarded for its quality and service. Amko chose SEPPES after comparing several speed door manufacturers.
The packaging workshop needs efficient material transportation, and the installation of the radar-sensing automatic-opening rapid shutter door solves the problem of fast passage of forklift trucks. The door opens automatically within 10 seconds to ensure efficient commuting and personnel safety. As a result, more and more UK packaging companies choose to install SEPPES’s fabric roll-up doors in their workshops.
Machine Protection Doors between welding equipment exported to Europe
Ford (Ford) is a globally recognized automotive brand, founded by Henry Ford, the Ford Motor Company was established in 1903 and is one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers. In June 2019, Ford installed Xilang’s Machine Guard Doors in its production plant.
The production floor requires efficient equipment protection, and the installation of radar-sensing, self-opening machine protection doors solves the safety issue of equipment operation. The doors open automatically within 10 seconds, ensuring efficient commuting and personnel safety. As a result, more and more automotive production companies are choosing to install Siron’s machine guards in their workshops.

- 全天候在线服务
- 我们将为码头设备提供安装、操作、维护和故障排除的培训视频和英文用户手册,并在您遇到码头设备安装、操作或调整问题时,通过桌面远程、电子邮件、电话、手机、WhatsApp、全天候在线聊天等方式提供技术指导。
- 保修
- We provide 1 year free guarantee for sectional doors, dock levelers, door shelters, and high speed doors. If there is any issue is cost by quality, we will send free dock equipment components by DHL right away free of charge.
- 一门一码服务
- 推行 "一门一码、终身服务 "的服务新标准,配备多个技术团队,高效解决产品问题。


17500 工厂
我们的工厂占地面积 17500 平方米,可以满足大订单、快速生产和交货的需求。


专业团队为 3 200 多家企业提供技术指导,并提供产品和技术解决方案。


Recommended High Speed Doors for Factory

High-speed spiral doors are ideal for industrial and commercial use, blending advanced technology with top-notch performance. Crafted from durable aluminum, they offer robustness, security, and a sleek appearance.

SEPPES Doors 专门为冷库、食品加工和药品制造等温控环境定制高质量的隔热高速门。


SEPPES High-Speed Stacking Doors offer an innovative and efficient solution for businesses needing swift and reliable access control.