Providing You With High Quality Factory Doors

SEPPES Door Industry, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SEPPES Holding Group, is a renowned brand manufacturer in the industrial door industry for factories. SEPPES promotes multi-category and group development. Through continuous innovation and technological advancements, SEPPES offers a wide range of industrial door products, including high-speed doors, sectional doors, loading platforms, dock seals, aluminum rolling shutters, and more, catering to diverse industrial applications. We uphold the principles of superior quality and customer-centricity, aiming to establish a benchmark in the global market. SEPPES’ success is driven by sustained investment in a diversified product line and strategic group synergy, committed to providing comprehensive industrial door solutions to our customers.


At Seppes, we believe in life long responsibility for our products, exemplified by our”one door, one code, life long service” industry standard.


Equipados con múltiples líneas de producción automatizadas y equipos de ensamblaje a medida, estamos preparados para hacer frente a escenarios de gran demanda con una capacidad de producción anual de 150 millones de yuanes.


This setup ensures not just quantity, but the highest quality standards under efficient, full-load operations


Serving over 3,200 companies and customers, we provide not just products, but comprehensive technical solutions and robust product security

Get The Best Industrial Doors for Your Building!

Contact us now to customize the most suitable industrial doors for your factory!

High Speed Doors

puertas industriales rápidas
Puerta de accionamiento rápido enrollable
sala blanca cremallera puerta de alta velocidad
Zipper High Speed Door
high speed stacking door case
Puerta apiladora de alta velocidad
insulated high speed door
Puerta rápida aislada
high speed spiral door case
Puerta espiral de alta velocidad
transparent high speed door
Puerta rápida transparente

Puerta seccional

puerta seccional
Puerta seccional industrial
puerta seccional
Puerta basculante seccional
puerta seccional
Puerta levadiza industrial
puerta de garaje seccional
Puerta de garaje seccional

Equipos para muelles de carga

Rampa niveladora hidráulica
Rampa niveladora hidráulica
equipo portuario
Abrigo de muelle de esponja
Abrigo mecánico para muelles
Abrigo mecánico de muelle
inflatable dock shelter
Abrigo de muelle hinchable
puerta del muelle de carga
Puerta de muelle de carga

Puerta industrial

puerta rápida
Puerta de protección de máquinas
puerta enrollable
Puerta enrollable
puerta rápida
Puerta enrollable de tela
steel roll up door
Puerta enrollable de acero
clean room speed door
Puerta de enrollado de alta velocidad
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